Bothered by GERD? You May Want to Consider LINX®

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when the gastric juices that dissolve foods in your stomach climb up your esophagus. Because human stomach acid is very acidic, enough to dissolve metal or bones, GERD can cause you to experience symptoms such as a burning sensation in your chest, a sour taste in your mouth, bad breath, a raspy voice, and tooth damage. 

GERD can also worsen during nighttime, especially if you eat dinner late, and it may lead to poor sleep quality, sleep apnea, and coughing. 

If you’re suffering from GERD that won’t go away, even with medications, read on. Below, our specialist, Dr. Michael Sutker, explains how LINX®, a small band of titanium beads inserted surgically, can prevent the damage caused by acid reflux. 


Diet and lifestyle play important roles in the management of GERD. However, if you have severe GERD and want to tackle it right away, LINX could be the solution to your problems. 

LINX is a reflux-management system inserted surgically around the lower end of your esophagus. This magnetic bracelet prevents your gastric juices from moving up into your esophagus after digestion, without preventing food and liquids from getting to your stomach.

A LINX device can be inserted with the help of laparoscopic incisions, which allow you to recover faster. Most patients can leave the office on the same day they receive the implant. 

GERD risk factors and complications 

You may be at a higher risk of developing GERD if you are obese, smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, consume alcohol, or eat late dinners. 

Some people experience acid reflux after consuming certain fruits and vegetables. For example, raw onions and raw cucumbers may lead to heartburn in some individuals. Keeping a diary of what you eat and what symptoms you experience may help identify your trigger foods. 

Left untreated, GERD can lead to tooth decay, bleeding, and scarring of the esophagus. The scarring in the esophagus may interfere with your ability to pass foods through your digestive system. In rare cases, chronic inflammation and scarring may cause cancer.

Find out if you’re a good candidate for LINX

Good candidates for LINX include patients who have severe GERD that doesn’t respond to lifestyle changes or medications. Some patients may wish to manage their GERD without medications due to the side effects of certain medications. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment at our offices in Dallas or McKinney, Texas, and find out if you’re a good candidate for LINX.

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