LINX® vs. Traditional Reflux Treatments: Why Patients Are Choosing the LINX System

LINX® vs. Traditional Reflux Treatments: Why Patients Are Choosing the LINX System

Everyone experiences a bit of heartburn now and then. It’s not pleasant, especially if it lingers past bedtime and makes it hard to sleep. Your quality of life can really suffer with frequent heartburn — or bouts of acid reflux that occur more than twice a week. This condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 

GERD is a chronic disease affecting nearly one in three adults in the United States. At Michael Sutker, MD, in Dallas and Plano, Texas, board-certified bariatric and general surgeon Dr. Sutker offers a variety of treatment options to help you reduce or eliminate acid reflux so that you can enjoy eating without the fear or discomfort of heartburn.

The first line of treatment for GERD usually includes lifestyle changes and medications. However, if this standard approach doesn’t provide effective relief, Dr. Sutker may recommend using the LINX® Reflux Management System

With a 90-95% success rate, LINX may be your link to a GERD-free life. Here’s how it works.

What causes GERD?

When you swallow food, it’s supposed to pass through your esophagus and into your stomach, where you digest it. Sometimes, stomach acid creeps back up through your lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is supposed to close after you swallow. This can happen when you lie down after a big meal, and stomach acid flows the wrong way. 

However, if your LES is compromised or weakened, this stomach acid creep happens more often because your LES isn’t closing normally. This acid can irritate your esophageal lining, creating a burning sensation in your throat, chest, or upper belly. Some people experience a sour-tasting liquid backwash or regurgitation in their mouth.

Your risk of chronic acid reflux, or GERD, increases with smoking, obesity, pregnancy, taking certain medications, or having a hiatal hernia. Persistent, untreated GERD can lead to health complications, making eating and swallowing difficult. Fortunately, there are effective ways to treat this irritating condition. 

How can the LINX procedure help my GERD?

Traditional reflux treatments include lifestyle management tips and medications to reduce heartburn episodes. For a significant number of people with GERD, however, medication and lifestyle changes simply don’t work well enough. 

If this sounds familiar, it may be time to consider the LINX procedure — a minimally invasive surgery that can help prevent acid reflux and reduce the need for medication.

LINX is essentially a “bracelet” of magnetic titanium beads that replaces your weakened LES. This bead band opens when you eat, swallow, belch, or vomit, and then draws back together to close around your LES when you’re resting. 

With high success rates that include 99% of patients no longer experiencing sour-tasting regurgitation, 88% of patients reporting no more heartburn and 85% giving up their daily reflux medication, the LINX procedure can very likely help you say goodbye to acid reflux forever. 

Ready to find out if you’re a candidate for LINX? We can help. Call or click online to schedule a consultation at Michael Sutker, MD, in Dallas and Plano, Texas, today.

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